Come and see.

Whether you consider yourself a follower of Jesus or you’re just curious about this person who lived 2000 years ago who is still inspiring people to live lives of meaning and purpose, you are welcome here. Explore the daily Guided Meditations, bi-weekly blog posts and the Everyday Jesus Follower’s Guide Course to discover how an authentic encounter with the Jesus of the Gospels changes everything.

About Marion Medina

Marion Is an everyday follower of Jesus. She is a visionary leader, a lifelong explorer,
and an inspirational developer of people, ideas and organizations.

Marion is the founder of Generate Consulting and Discipleship.

Read more about Marion here.


About Generate Consulting

Individual, customized consulting services to help you assess current realities and develop a clear path for moving forward to become an effective agency of life transformation. Find out how Generate Consulting can help you unlock the potential of your local church or faith-based organization.